The Highs and Lows of Your First Blackjack Trip With 'SmallTownGuy' | BJA075 - Blackjack Apprenticeship
The Blackjack Apprenticeship Podcast
The Blackjack Apprenticeship Podcast
The Highs and Lows of Your First Blackjack Trip With 'SmallTownGuy' | BJA075

The Highs and Lows of Your First Blackjack Trip With ‘SmallTownGuy’ | BJA075

The Blackjack Apprenticeship Podcast
The Blackjack Apprenticeship Podcast
The Highs and Lows of Your First Blackjack Trip With 'SmallTownGuy' | BJA075

Fresh off his first official card counting trip, BJA member ‘SmallTownGuy’ joins Colin to discuss: Encountering a seasoned pro while training, Avoiding rookie mistakes, The unexpected realities of managing expenses, money, and your health, and more!

BJA Members can find his post ‘Beyond a Winning Game’ here: