Everything you need to make money playing blackjack.
- World’s best education
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- Exclusive, critical tools
Everything you need to make money playing blackjack.
- World’s best education
- Online training drills
- Supportive community
- Exclusive, critical tools

Joe748's earned over 7 figures. He's not alone.
"My card counting career started with a Blackjack Apprenticeship membership as my sole resource. My bankroll has grown beyond anything I imagined it could. Everything I needed to know in order to beat blackjack is all in the membership — the rest is just practice."
— Joe748 (full-time card counter)
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Simple and proven steps that teach you how to think and play like a professional.

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Risk vs Reward. That’s what card counting is all about. But how do you know your risk? How much reward you should expect? Our Bankroll Manager answers those questions. Know how much to bet, and when to bet it for maximum profits.
Detailed record keeping may not be the most glamorous aspect of card counting, but our results tracker streamlines the whole process. Record your session length, wins, loses, EV, gathered intel, and watch your bankroll grow.

Get current casino conditions that help you decide where to play wherever you are.

Member exclusive interviews, conversations and secret strategies from masters of the underground world of card counting.
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Interviews With:
- John Chang
- Tommy Hyland
- Josh Axelrad
- Max Rubin
- Kevin Blackwood
- Richard Munchkin
- And more!
And Pro Discussions On:
- Betting
- Backoffs
- Surveillance
- A Day in the Life of an AP
- Travel and Safety
- When to go pro
- And more!

Joe748's earned over 7 figures. He's not alone.
"My card counting career started with a Blackjack Apprenticeship membership as my sole resource. My bankroll has grown beyond anything I imagined it could. Everything I needed to know in order to beat blackjack is all in the membership — the rest is just practice."
— Joe748 (full-time card counter)

Hey! I’m Colin, founder of Blackjack Apprenticeship.
I’ve been playing and teaching professional blackjack for over 15 years, and have been featured in articles and documentaries for both. I’ve personally won over $600,000 from card counting and and have run blackjack teams responsible for winning over $4Million at blackjack. And through Blackjack Apprenticeship, I’ve helped card counters find the same success that I’ve enjoyed. I’m very proud of Blackjack Apprenticeship, as it has become the world’s best platform for creating real-world professional blackjack players who take millions from casinos every year. I’m excited to have you join our elite members area.
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