I love reading stories about the card counting heroes who came before us.
I feel like it connects me to a greater story than my own.
And honestly, some of the things people like John Chang, Ian Andersen, and Tommy Hyland have accomplished is truly inspiring.
But that was then… Games had better rules, casinos weren’t as “sweaty”, and surveillance wasn’t as good. I’m not into card counting simply because of the past.
Which is why the most inspiring stories I get to read are from those who are currently fleecing casinos.
So I wanted to share (with his permission) an email I received from a BJA member the other day.
To give a little more context to the email, this BJA Member started playing in February with roughly $10k.
This means they have seen a 1,000% return on their money in 8 months!
After getting this email, I felt like I wanted to go out and celebrate! They trained really hard, have worked their butts off, and I couldn’t be happier about their success.
For those doubters out there saying what worked back in the day doesn’t work today, hopefully this helps show that there are still people creating amazing card counting stories out there!
And for those who are currently putting in the training and the hard work, hopefully this will inspire you that you can be the next one writing me an email like this.
Here’s to those creating inspiration for the next generation of card counters!
Until next time, keep generating EV!
P.S. To clarify, when he says “team”, he means that the two of them have played off a joint bankroll. They were not using “team play” like the MIT Team in “21 The Movie.”