With that mission in mind, and roughly 10 years after its inception, we’ve launched an entirely new version of BlackjackApprenticeship.com.
Separate Front-end and Member’s Area
All Member’s resources (videos, training drills, forum, podcasts, bankroll management app, etc) are now on members.blackjackapprenticeship.com. Without boring you with the technical stuff that I hardly understand, this decision ensures that everything stays secure and provides more flexibility moving forward.
New Front-end
We’ve completely rebuilt blackjackapprenticeship.com from scratch. Beyond making the website faster, we’ve made the experience better on mobile and updated the design. The change also gave us an opportunity to remove some of the bloated stuff that accumulated over 10 years. What was good and relevant in 2008 isn’t necessarily good or relevant today.
New Member’s Area
In light of our mission, this is where the majority of the changes happened. Here’s a quick rundown:
This has been a big undertaking… we’ve actually been working on it for over a year now! We are really excited for how these changes will help us serve the BJA community moving forward. However, as with any project of this size, it will likely have a few wrinkles that will need to get ironed out. So please do let us know if you find an issue, but be patient as we get everything to 100%.
Thanks so much for being a part of the BJA Community and for being part of the .01% of people taking money out of casinos!
Until next time, keep generating EV!